Journal of Transplant Surgery

 ISSN: 2689-873X

Journal of Transplant Surgery

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Case Report Pages 89-93

Challenges following Prenatal Diagnosis of Bilateral Renal Agenesis and Spontaneous Therapy of Fetal Renal Replacement, or Transplant by Auto-Amnioinfusion in a Monoamniotic Twin Discordant for Associated Postnatal Diagnosis of Anorectal Malformation

Authors: Govani DJ, Govani ND, Govani DR, Panchasara NG, Patel RR, Midha PK and Patel RV

Abstract: Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA) is often diagnosed on prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound because it leads to an oligohydramnios. When both kidneys are absent this condition is not compatible with life. 40% of babies with bilateral renal agenesis will be stillborn, and if born alive, the baby will live only a few hours. The other sequelae include pulmonary hypoplasia associated multiple gestations, congenital malformations, features of Potter’s syndrome, etc. Few reported cases in twins have all been fatal in the neonatal period with no reported cases of survival beyond 2 months.


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